C.H.T.A. VIRTUAL SCHOOL STORE!! Attention parents, our new, virtual uniform store is up and running!! When you click the link below, choose the gender of your child and begin shopping! www.schoolbelles.com/myschool/M37/s3058
ATTENTION PARENTS Please review the new uniform schedule below and check for newly added items. The Navy blue blazer with the Terrell logo is MANDATORY for all students except Elementary Girls. Blazers are seasonal. All parents should have a blazer by September 15th. If your child does not have the Blazer before the first day of school, they should still be in official uniform (Shirt and Tie). Parents, please also note that if your child is not in the correct uniform DAILY for the upcoming school year, they will not be able to enter the Academy. Thank You for your cooperation- Staff. AS OF 01/4/2024 STUDENTS ARE TO WEAR P.E. OUTFITS ONLY ON Fridays!