Monthly Calendar
(please check daily for updates)
Instructors cannot TEACH EFFECTIVELY when your child is late. Students are to arrive to school, as Academy policy states, no later than 8:55a.m. Once the door closes at 9:01a.m., your child will not be allowed to attend class unless parent has a legal doctor excuse or has signed in their child upstairs when they have clearance to enter. If your child has a doctor's appointment they are to notify the teacher the day prior and call. When they arrive to the Academy they must have an excuse from the doctor to enter class. I have instructed ALL Faculty and Staff NOT to open the door for those who are tardy until they have someone to open the school door upstairs. The following offenses will go into effect August 11, 2022 . Keep in mind every 3 tardies equal 1 absence. Once your child has reached a total of 24 absences they will be retained.
- 1st Offense - 6 tardies = 3 day suspension
- 2nd Offense - 12 tardies = 5 day suspension and Family and Children Services with state supervised classes.
- 3rd Offense - Expulsion from the Academy
Please remember when dropping off and picking up your children you are to pick or drop them off at the back of the church. The children will enter through the memorial arch.
Tuition and Exploratory Fee Payments are due between the 1st and 5th of each month. Payments must be made in the front office! Any fees received after the 5th will incur a late fee and must be paid by Money Order or Cashier's Check.
Any student not in proper uniform following the schedule will be sent home. If your child needs any assistance with child care, contact the teacher!